Rachel Choe


"...a musician of the most propulsive of lines in deftly synchronized fashion..."

The Baltimore Sun

"Her music is so lovely, mellow and precise, it touches the heart and soul of the listener."

The Cape Gazzett

Choe studios give spring recitals.

Choe's flute studios are giving recitals: Johns Hopkins flute studio on Wednesday May 4th, 2016 and Peabody Preparatory studio on Sunday May 8th, 2016 at 3:30pm both at the Cohen Davidson Theatre of Peabody Institute. The Preparatory studio recital includes works by Bach, Handel, Gluck, Mozart, Faure, Poulenc, and Godard; the Johns Hopkins studio will perform with the program of Mercadante, Ewazen, CPE Bach, Widor and Taktakishvili. Free admission.