Rachel Choe


"...a musician of the most propulsive of lines in deftly synchronized fashion..."

The Baltimore Sun

"Her music is so lovely, mellow and precise, it touches the heart and soul of the listener."

The Cape Gazzett

Peabody Preparatory Faculty Concert

Come and enjoy the beautiful autumn afternoon with the music performed by the Peabody Preparatory faculty members on November 3rd, 2013 at 3pm at the beautiful Leith Symington Griswold Hall of Peabody. Rachel was supposed to perform Andre Jolivet's Suite en Concert with 4 percussions, but the program recently has changed to Toru Takemitsu's Toward the Sea (1981) with her fellow, Jeff Stern, the percussion faculty member. She will be playing on the "ALTO FLUTE." You will be listening to the harmonious collaboration of the alto flute and the marimba on the music of Toward the Sea of which the titles of the movements come from Melville's novel, Moby Dick, as The Night, Moby Dick, and Cape Cod. Free admission.

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